Thursday 5 August 2010

Day 4 - now you don't see it, and now you see it!

At the start of the day we welcomed four new people who had not dug before. They settled very quickly and got to work on trench 3. Jemma was anxious that the features were not resolving themselves quite as she would have expected and was in danger of getting dispondant. With just quarter of an hour to go a cobbled surface appeared from the east end of the trench and a significant drain which is probably the limit if the track from Claisfer Lane into the farm yard. The building appears to be around 8-9m wide which is probably about right for a barn or longhouse oriented down the slope. Pottery, lime mortar and metal work, including a very fine nail complete with stone roof tile were found.

It is a little disappointing to note that there has been some metal detecting activity in the field since we have started to dig. We would like to think that local detectorists would aid us with our work and be happy to come along and help during the day. That way we all benefit from what is a very worthwhile activity. It is safe to say that it is unlikely that anything of any value would be found here, but removal of metal objects, even if they prove to be nails, coinage or iron fittings are far more useful to an archaeologist when found in situ than they are to treasure hunter. It is also worth pointing out that detecting without the land owners permission is unlawful and anybody proved to be doing this could be subject to a substantial fine. At the very least it is a trespassing offence.

Digging crew today - Jemma, Ed, Adrian, Sam, Julie, Jay, Jan, Margaret, Debbie.

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